This is the journal of weekend spent for Mt. Bunya.
Yes, the shortest route from Brisbane to Bunya Mt. is around 240 KM, with 3.5 hr estimated. But in the middle, you have the chance to see the water lake, “Wivenhoe Dam”.
This is the journal of weekend spent for Mt. Bunya.
Yes, the shortest route from Brisbane to Bunya Mt. is around 240 KM, with 3.5 hr estimated. But in the middle, you have the chance to see the water lake, “Wivenhoe Dam”.
基本上,這件事情(指Scuba Diving),我個人真正跟它發生交集的時間,是早在今年年初一月份的時候;真的沒想到會延續到今日,而且可能得到九月初才會有個比較正式的暫停。
這樣說好了,首先我會想到Scuba Diving,是去年2009的事了;是在MSN上跟大學同學聊天時,問到他怎麼會對Brisbane感到有興趣時,他提到『讀博士班閒閒沒事,就去上了潛水課程,拿到相關證照。』對啊!既然都已經花大錢來國外享受生活了,怎麼不試著做些不一樣的事情?!
也剛好暑假不想回台灣,嘗試一下異國跨年的風情;可是想要找到PartTime Job的期望並沒有實現的情況下….就決定花點錢去做一些在台灣的時候自己不會去做的事情。
潛水的認證機構,主要是兩個比較大的,SSI(Scuba Schools International)網址與PADI網址,根據深愛潛水的朋友解釋,這兩個機構的認證都差不多,在器材教育與潛水訓練上都算是很嚴格的;不過,近幾年來SSI教導出來的學員普遍評價比較好,可能是對於合作店家的要求比較嚴厲以及需要學員比較多次的潛水訓練吧?!
Stafford在哪?簡單的說,我坐公車大約單程要花一個多鐘頭(南部zone2到北部zone3)….如果是開車,根據Google Map的預估,大約是四十分鐘上下。
生活小常識,VPN,Virtual Private Network,虛擬私有網路,就是指說,透過一定嚴密的身分確認程序後,讓使用者感覺到使用任何網路服務系統功能都非常順暢,沒有特別的限制與阻擋,可是對於網路提供者卻沒有額外的風險需要承擔。舉個簡單的例子,像UQ的學生,如果自己帶電腦,或者是用學校的電腦,如果是透過網頁登錄自己的學生證號碼與密碼,是可以開啟網頁去瀏覽;但是像FTP與MSN軟體,卻無法正常使用。然而,如果是安裝了CISCO的VPN軟體,然後用學生證號碼與密碼去啟動UQ連線,就都可以正常使用了…
這是學校提供的VPN軟體下載處與設定說明: Here 要注意,用VPN是不會主動顯示剩餘流量的喔~
雖然說影片看了不少,像這幾天看完『Iron Man 2』、『葉問2』、動畫『朝霧的巫女』、動畫『傳頌之物』、日劇『魔王』…
喔,日劇『Liar Game 2』也看完了,也還不錯啦,但是跟漫畫『賭博末世錄/逆境無賴』一比,簡直是天地之別~
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In 18-19 March, I attended the workshop held by UniQuest, about the intelligence right fields.
And for this in below, these photos are taken on Monday afternoon, 5 April. Romney, one of my working holiday friends, could not be able to attend this short campus trip. But Cynthia could.
My classmate, Alexander, from Russia, wrote a letter to me, to encourage me to continuing seeking jobs. We only have one class in common, and he was graduated in Nov 2009. The following is the mail:
Dear Yannick,
Thank you for the warm friendly message.
I am still in Brisbane looking for a job, but I have been invited today to an interview in Sydney. I have received two way air ticket to Sydney from the inviting company already and hopefully, they will invite me to work for them later. Unfortunately, it is not a semiconductor company. But, I shall accept their invitation to work, as I am unemployed now. My applications for positions in semiconductor companies are “hanging” since early October 2009. I cannot wait for responses from semiconductor companies any more. However, I should like to keep good relationship with UniQuest for possible future collaboration in the field of semiconductor technology.