Before talking, let me simply express my feeling; what kind of shit wireless connection !!!! I have typed all what I think about, and YOU, the connection, just broke with no signals!! OMG!!!
Okay, let’s back what I want to say, for all of my friends.
Recent days, many friends arranged meetings with me, for celebrating my study in UQ. Some of them told me many many greetings, and some even are proverbs for me.
There is one, “Though it may be very tough to live aboard, but I think, you can cover it. You are the man with good fortune, and you have the enough wisdom and courage to handle it. Besides, Australia is a paradise of good things, like nature, beaches, and BIKINIs!! “
And someone says, “You are the most idealistic student of your class; you study for your habits, even during works. And now, you have the opportunity to fulfill one of your dreams, to study aboard. That’s it! Just go and enjoy the different life style, and to adjust yourself and look upon the shocks of different cultures. Perhaps such kind of experience could not benefit you much on career or wealth, but you would expand your spectacular view and ideas.”
Though my brain storage is not much enough to store each details of your advices, in my mind, I appreciate your reminding. Thank you. I am so moved that you may see my drops now…..Wuwuwu……