AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) & Software Developer Kit (SDK)
both protected by access keys, generated from AWS Management Console
CLI can direct access to public APIs of AWS resources
to use MFA with CLI, which means a temporary session
run the STS GetSessionToken API call aws sts get-session-token --serial-number arn-of-the-mfa-device --token-code code-from-token --duration-seconds 3600
CLI Credentials Provider Chain
Command line options – –region, –output, and –profile
Instance profile credentials – for EC2 Instance Profiles
SDK is set of libraries for programming, as language-specific APIs
the AWS CLI uses the Python SDK (boto3)
“us-east-1” would be chosen by default, if no region specified
SDK Credential Provider Chain
Java system properties – aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretKey
Environment variables – AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
The default credential profiles file – ex at: ~/.aws/credentials, shared by many SDK
Amazon ECS container credentials – for ECS containers
Instance profile credentials– used on EC2 instances
AWS CloudFormation
provision infrastructure using a text-based (JSON/YAML) templates (uploaded to S3) that describes exactly what resources are provisioned and their settings.
manages the template history similar to how code is managed in source control
Delete the stack would also remove each individual artifact
CAPABILITY_AUTO_EXPAND, for Macro and Nested stakes
Delete (wont work in S3 if the bucket is not empty)
Snapshot: create a final snapshot before deleted
Stack policy is a JSON to tell which resource(s) should be protected as not touched during update; so an explicit ALLOW for the desired resources for update is needed
Termination Protection is to prevent accidental delete
Custom Resources
custom functions running via Lambda, for example, empty a S3 bucket
AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource or Custom::MyCustomResourceTypeName
Properties with Service Token (Lambda function or SNS topic, in the sam region) and optional Input data
Stackset is used for cross account/region stacks management
Cloud Development Kit (CDK)
CloudFormation using JSON/YAML, but CDK using Javascript/Typescript, Python, Java, .Net
Contain higher level components, constructs
encapsulate everything for final CloudFormation stack creation
AWS Construct Library or Construct Hub
Layer 1 (L1): CloudFormation(CFN) resources, prefix with “Cfn”, and all resource properties needed to be explicitly configured
Layer 2 (L2): intent-based API resources, with defaults and boilerplate, also can use methods
Layer 3 (L3): aka Patterns, represents as multiple related resources (for example, API Gateway + Lambda, or Fargate cluster + Application Load Balancer)
The codes would be complied to CloudFormation template
Benefits for Lambda & ECS/EKS as infrastructures and applications runtime codes implemented together
SAM focus on serverless, good for Lambda, but only JSON/YAML
Bootstrapping: the process of provisioning before deploying AWS environment (Account+Region)
CDKToolkit (CloudFormation stack), with S3 Bucket – store files and IAM Roles
Error: “Policy contains a statement with one or more invalid principal”, due to the lack of new IAM Roles for each new environment
UnitTest, using CDK Assertion Module for Jest(Javascript) or Pytest(Python)
Fine-granted Assertions (common): check certain property of certain resource
Snapshot Test: test against baseline template
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
provision infrastructure using a text-based template that describes exactly what resources are provisioned and their settings
complied to CloudFormation stack
Application Version
Web Server Tier and Worker Tier
Deployment Method
All at once, has downtime
Rolling: running under capacity, no additional costs
Rolling with additional batches: compared to Rolling, this let application running at capacity (ie temporary create more instances)
Immutable: create new instances in a new ASG, then swap; zero downtime
(Blue Green: new environment then swap, using Route53 with weighted policies)
Traffic Splitting: canary testing
max most Application versions: 1000, use LifeCycle Policy to phase out, based on Time or Space
has option to retain source bundles on S3
EB Extensions
YAML/JSON, with “.config” extension as file name
update defaults with “option_settings”
place under the “.ebextensions/” folder under root of source code
resources managed by .ebextensions would be deleted if the environment goes away
EB Clone, can help to setup exact same “configuration” environment
Load Balancer type and configure
RDS configure, but no data
Environment variables
EB Migration
Once EB created, the Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) type cannot change
Create another environment with new ELB, then using Route53 update or CNAME swap
Decouple RDS with EB, for PROD
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)
Container management service for Docker containers (ECS Task)
Highly scalable / high performance, lets you run applications on an EC2 cluster
Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) is private repository for Docker images, the public version is Amazon ECR Public Gallery; backed by Amazon S3, access controlled through IAM
ECS Launch Types
Fargate Launch Type is serverless, managed by AWS
EC2 Launch Type gives you direct access to the instances, but you have to manage them, with ECS Agent
ECS Agent would use EC2 Instance Profile
ESC Tasks use each individual ESC Task Role, which is defined in the task definition
Mount EFS for ECS tasks, which can ensure all tasks in any AZ will share the same data; in comparison, S3 cannot be mounted as File System
ECS Task definition is metadata in JSON, up to 10 containers in one file
Image name
Port Binding for Container and Host
on EC2 Launch type, if only define container port, then the ALB would use Dynamic Host Port Mapping, then on EC2 instance’s Security Group should set allow on any port from ALB security group
each task has its unique private IP on Fargate Launch, so only define the container port
Memory and CPU required
Environment variables (Hardcoded ,SSM Parameter Store, Secrets Manager, or files stored in S3)
IAM Role (One IAM Role per Task Definition)
Logging configuration (CloudWatch)
Data Volume to share data among multiple containers (Applications and Metrics/Logs, aka sidecar)
EC2 Launch Type – using EC2 instance storage
Fargate Launch Type – using ephemeral storage (20-200 GB), data deleted when containers demolished
ECS Task Placement strategy & Task Placement constraints – Only for EC2 Launch Type
find instances meet CPU/Memory/Port requirements
find those satisfy task placement constraints
distinctInstance – place each task on different container instance
memberOf – using Cluster Query Language, placing on certain instances (like t2.*)
find those satisfy task placement strategies
Binpack – cost-saving by using least available amount of CPU or Memory as minimum instances
Spread (can be AZ or instance ID)
ECS does not use EC2 Auto Scaling, instead, uses the AWS Application Auto Scaling based on
Average CPU Utilization
Average Memory Utilization – Scale on RAM
ALB Request Count Per Target
AWS Application Auto Scaling policy can be
Target Tracking – scale based on the target specific CloudWatch metric
Step Scaling – based on a specified CloudWatch Alarm
Scheduled Scaling
Under EC2 Launch Type, the way to auto-scaling EC2 instances by
Auto Scaling Group Scaling – use EC2 ASG to check instance loadings (CPU, Memory, etc.)
ECS Cluster Capacity Provider, paired with ASG
AWS Coplit is the CLI tool, running apps on AppRunner, ECS and Fargate; with CodePipeline for deployment
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
EC2 Launch for deploy worker node; Fargate for serverless
Kubernetes is cloud-agnostic
Node Types
Managed Node Groups
AWS handles EC2 instances with ASG managed by EKS
On-Demand or Spot instances
Self-Managed Nodes
Self create and manage EC2 instance with self-define ASG
On-Demand or Spot instances
AWS Fargate
Can specify StorageClass manifest on EKS cluster, leverage a Container Storage Interface (CSI) compliant driver
Amazon EBS (EC2)
Amazon EFS (EC2, Fargate)
Amazon FSx for Lustre (EC2)
Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP (EC2)
AWS CloudWatch
Metrics: Collect and track key metrics for every AWS services
dimension is an attributes (instance id, environment, …)
(EC2) Memory usage is a custom metric, using API PutMetricData
StorageResolution can be 1min (Standard) or 1/5/10/30 sec(High Resolution)
Data point range of custom metric would be 2 weeks for past history and 2 hours in future
Logs: Collect, monitor, analyze and store log files
Group – application (to encrpyt with KMS keys, need to use CloudWatch Logs API)
stream – instances / log files / containers
Amazon S3, may take up to 12 hour, with API CreateExportTask
Using Logs Subscripton to export real-time events to Kinesis Data Streams, Kinesis Data Firehose, AWS Lambda, with Subscription Filter
MaxStackDepth – the max depth of chain on method call
Disaster Recovery (DR)
DR approaches
Backup and restore = lowest cost, just create backups
Pilot Light = small part of core services that is running and syncing data or documents
Warm Standby = scaled down version of a fully functional environment that is actively running
Multi-site = on-prem and in AWS in an active-active configuration
For disaster recovery in a different region, create a AMI from your EC2 instance and copy it into a 2nd region.
AWS Global Accelerator
increases availability and performance
can be expensive
runs over AWS global network
directs traffic to optimal endpoints across multiple regions
By default, provides you with 2 static IP addresses that are anycast from the AWS edge network. You can migrate existing IPv4 (/24) IPs rather than creating new.