In last week, I read some books bought from Net bookstores. Well, not Amazon or B&N, just local small bookstores sells tradChinese books. It costs me more than 1K for five books, and I wanna suggest two of them.
- Are You Lights On ? Donald C. Gause & Gerald M. Weinberg (tradChinese Brief Description)
- The Secrets of Consulting Gerald M. Weinberg (tradChinese Brief Description)
…..Sorry, I’m lazy to copy & paste these contents here; one is for respect of the difficulty of editing these words and sentences for mis-formatting.
And while after ate lunch today, I just surfing in the net meaningless. And I find some articles special and helpful.
- Q&A of TCPA and Palladium. (English, tradChinese)
- Zero Knowledge Proof (MIT, BSY)